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Celebrating Jewish Life
  • What is the vision of Celebrating Jewish Life?
    Celebrating Jewish Life is created for people who are looking to enrich their Jewish experiences and connections. It’s our hope that you’ll feel that CJL gatherings enable you to deepen your Jewish identity and strengthen your connections with the Jewish community. It’s a wonderful way for someone who is unaffiliated with a congregation to reinvigorate their sense of being attached to the Jewish community and celebrate the key Jewish holidays with others. A person who belongs to a temple will also enjoy these experiences as a supplement to other engagements.
  • What does my subscription include?
    Subscriptions are $625 per person. The subscription series includes the six festive dinners and holiday celebrations. There will be a cash bar available at most venues. The holidays we celebrate together are: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah Shabbat, Purim, Passover Second Night Seder and Shavuot Shabbat.
  • What else is included in a series subscription?
    Periodically, we’ll reach out to you with other stimulating experiences in the Jewish community that you may be interested in attending. We’re blessed in Cleveland with an alphabet of Jewish organizations that bring important speakers, stimulating education programs and meaningful volunteer opportunities. We also plan to extend some travel opportunities to our subscribers. Of course, Israel trips will be part of that, and watch for other interesting areas of the world to explore Jewish communities and historical sites together.
  • May I bring a guest?
    Guests are always welcome! Once you’re a subscriber, if you would like to invite family or friends to share in the experience with you, simply add a guest for $125 per experience, or $100 if the person is 36 and under. Guests who attend an event and wish to purchase the rest of the subscription series may do so at a prorated cost, contingent upon availability. You may even want to give a subscription series to a friend or family member who recently moved to Cleveland or changed their status to get them connected.
  • How do I register more than one person?
    Part way down the subscription form, you'll be able to enter multiple subscribers and include their names. At the conclusion of your subscription, you will receive a notice confirming your subscription.
  • May I bring my children?
    Of course, everyone is welcome! As with other subscription series, some experiences lend themselves better to younger involvement than others. For example, Passover seder may be a time to include all ages. Anyone can join you, however, the focus of each experience is on an adult level.
  • What happens if I cannot attend one of the experiences?
    If you are unable to attend an evening, consider offering the opportunity to a friend. These experiences are fully transferable, however, they are non-refundable. We hope you’ll share the opportunity to join in on the holiday experience with others and assure them they’ll either know someone attending or make a new friend at the experience. Please email to let us know who is coming in your place be so we can welcome them.
  • What if I’m on my own?
    We think you will love CJL because it is open and welcoming to people of all ages from millennials to senior adults. We hope you will feel embraced by the experience and have dinner with people who could just become your new best friends or business partners. We look forward to being with you and getting to know you better!
  • Will my interfaith family feel comfortable?
    Absolutely yes! It will be easy for everyone to be engaged and feel comfortable. If you have questions, feel free to call.
  • Do I bring a prayer book? What kind of service can I expect?
    Rabbi Rosie Haim and Cantorial-soloist Chuck Fink have decades of experience leading worship experiences that are both formal and informal in nature. Each of the experiences has its own tenor. For example, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are of a more formal nature and you can expect the traditional prayers and melodies that will engage you. The Shabbat of Hanukkah and Shavuot and of course Purim and Passover will be engaging experiences together fulfilling the traditions and enjoying each other’s company. You will not need to bring any prayer book, just bring yourself!
  • How should I dress?
    Some venues and experiences lend themselves to a more dressy-casual attire, but Purim is all about the costume—which for many of us is just jeans. Be comfortable and be there!
  • Will I be expected to wear a kepa/yarmulke/head covering, or a tallit?
    Feel free to observe whatever is your personal custom, and we’ll make sure there are some kepot available at each venue if you forget yours. Also, if you have a tallit, bring it. You'll enjoy wearing it for the Kol Nidre service of Yom Kippur.
  • What about transportation to these venues?
    Most venues have valet parking for your convenience. If you have difficulty with driving, let us know and we’ll help you arrange a ride or ride-share. Let us know if you’d be interested in a "Jew-ber" experience as a driver or a rider.
  • Will you send me reminders before each experience?
    Yes! Surely, you’ll have all the dates in your calendar, and we’ll remind you a few weeks before each experience by email or mail, depending on your preference. We’ll also ask you to confirm your attendance, to let us know if you’ll be extending this experience to someone else in your place, or if you want to share the experience with another family or friend and need to reserve an extra spot.
  • What about life cycle events? Can you help me with those?
    While CJL is a holiday subscription series, Rabbi Rosie is available to help you with life cycle needs from birth rituals, b’nai mitzvah, conversions, marriages, funerals, and stonesettings. Those arrangements would be made independent of CJL and arranged individually with the officiant, depending on availability. You can reach us through the “contact us” section, and don’t hesitate to call.
  • Is my subscription or holiday sponsorship tax-deductible?
    CJL is not a 501(c)3. However, your gift supports Jewish life, Jewish culture, and Jewish tradition. By making a gift, you’ll enrich the experiences and help to create more opportunities for celebrating Jewish life together.

Frequently Asked Questions

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